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Compare CI Synchronizer Editions

CI Synchronizer is a powerful tool designed to automate and optimize your Configuration Management Database (CMDB) by seamlessly integrating and synchronizing IT asset data to enable CMDB excellence. CI Synchronizer is available in two distinct editions to cater to a variety of business needs.

  • CI Synchronizer Professional Edition provides a streamlined, out-of-the-box solution for businesses looking for efficient, hassle-free CMDB synchronization without the need for extensive customization.

  • CI Synchronizer Enterprise Edition offers advanced customization and high-volume data handling capabilities, perfect for organizations with complex synchronisation needs and bespoke configuration requirements.

Which Edition is Suitable for Your Organisation?

All Editions

A comprehensive solution to CMDB automation challenge and rapid deployment and uptake.

A comprehensive range of source and destination connectors.

Can be purchased with any Lansweeper Edition.

Professional Edition

Customers not requiring any customisation of the default rules, logic and configuration of their customer specific CI Synchronizer instance.

Customers not requiring advanced record sets, large volume record sets or the advanced features only available in Enterprise Edition.

Enterprise Edition

Customers wanting bespoke configuration of the rules that drive CMDB data (CI class level inclusions/suppression and mappings, attribute level inclusions/suppression and mappings, data transformation rules, location mapping rules, status value mappings and many more).

Customers wanting to synchronize advanced record sets (targeted digital certificates, targeted windows services and processes .. where the targets are based on individual customer business rules).

Customers wanting to synchronise large volume record sets (installed software, mobile applications, and patches/hot fixes).

Customers wanting advanced features (manufacturer data normalisation, application service mapping integration).

High-Level Feature Comparison

Professional Edition
Enterprise Edition

Minimum quantity of Billable Records (sync’d assets)

7,000 Units

10,000 Units

Minimum Billable Record (sync'd assets) increments

1,000 Units

1,000 Units

Customer specific configuration (Transforms, mappings, other rules).


Yes 1

Advanced record sets (Digital Certifications, Services, Processes).



Large Volume record sets (installed software, mobile apps, patches).



Advanced features (manufacturer normalisation, application service mapping).



Selectable hosting location (of the per customer instance)

Within a pre-defined set of locations.

Customer choice of any Azure location that supports the services.

Available Source Connectors

Lansweeper, Azure, InTune, SCCM, VMWare, Nutanix, Palo Alto SD-WAN, BeyondEdge SD-LAN, AWS 2, GCP 2, VMWare SD-WAN 2, AirWatch 3, SolarWinds 3, SentinelOne 3, Tanium 3, Meraki 3

Available Destination Connectors


  1. The one-time commissioning fee entitles customers to a range of pre-defined advanced configurations. Please refer to section further below “Customer Specific overrides included in the CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition) One-Time Commissioning Fee” for details of the overrides included with the one-time fee for CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition). Addition customisation of the advanced configuration options is available on a time and materials basis

  2. MVP currently available. Feature build out is subject to customer input.

  3. Roadmap items.

Detailed Feature Comparison

Professional Edition
Enterprise Edition

Customer specific configuration overrides 3 (Transforms, mappings, attributes, logic, rules)


Yes 1

Generate Application Service Mappings in ServiceNow



Sync Digital Certificates as certificate records and generate two-way certificate/CI dependency relationships in ServiceNow 4 6



Sync Windows Services and generate CI related records in ServiceNow 5



Sync Windows Processes and generate CI related records in ServiceNow 5



Sync Windows Scheduled Tasks and generate CI related records in ServiceNow 5



Sync Windows Installed Software as software packages and generate CI related records in ServiceNow



Sync Windows Patches/Hot Fixes and generate CI related records in ServiceNow



Sync Linux Processes and generate CI related records in ServiceNow 5



Sync Linux Installed Software as software packages and generate CI related records in ServiceNow



Sync Mobile Applications as software packages and generate CI related records in ServiceNow



Company Name (Manufacturer) Data Normalisation 9



Supported Hosting Locations for per-customer CI Synchronizer SaaS instance

  • West US

  • East US

  • Canada Central

  • Australia East

  • France Central

  • Germany West Central

  • North Europe

  • UK South

  • West Europe

Enterprise customers can select other Azure regions (providing the region supports the cloud services used by CI Synchronizer).

Source System Connectors

  • Lansweeper On-Prem

  • Lansweeper Cloud Augmentation 9

  • Lansweeper Cloud Full 9

  • Lansweeper OT

  • Azure

  • AWS 9

  • GCP 9

  • InTune

  • SCCM

  • AirWatch 9

  • VMware

  • Nutanix

  • Palo Alto SD-WAN

  • VMWare SD-WAN 9

  • BeyondEdge SD-LAN

  • SolarWinds Orion 9

Destination Connectors

  • ServiceNow

  • Servicely.AI

Lansweeper On-Prem Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists

  • Computer Systems

    • Apple Mac (Memory Modules, Network Adapters)

    • Chrome Books

    • Linux Server (IP Addresses, Memory Modules, Network Adapters)

    • Unix Server (IP Addresses, Memory Modules, Network Adapters)

    • Windows Cluster (Windows Cluster Node)

    • Windows PCs (Disks, Displays, File Systems, Mapped Network Drives, Memory Modules, Network Adapters, Registry Entries)

    • Windows Servers (Disks, Displays, File Systems, Mapped Network Drives, Memory Modules, Network Adapters, Registry Entries)

  • Database Systems

    • Windows PC SQL Server Instance (System Databases, User Databases)

    • Windows Server SQL Instance (System Databases, User Databases)

  • Mobility

    • Android

    • Other Mobile

    • Tablet

    • iPad

    • iPhone

  • Networking Equipment

    • Firewalls

    • Load Balancers

    • Routers

    • Switches (Ports)

    • Wireless Access Points

  • Virtualisation

    • ESXi Server (IP Addresses, Network Adapters)

    • Hyper-V Server (Hyper-V Instances, Hyper-V Networks)

    • VMware vCentre (Datacentres, ESXi Server Clusters, Virtual Machine Instances, vCentre Datastore, vCentre Networks)


  • Lansweeper Asset Groups (as Asset Group Links)

  • Windows Cluster Node (Cluster of Windows Cluster)

  • Windows PC (Connected to Display)

  • MSSQL Instance (Runs on Windows Cluster, Windows PC, Windows Server)

  • MSSQL System Database (Contained by Windows PC MSSQL Instance, Windows Server MSSQL Instance)

  • MSSQL User Database (Contained by Windows PC MSSQL Instance, Windows Server MSSQL Instance)

  • Mapped Network Drive (Provided by Windows PC, Windows Server)

  • Router Relationships (Apple Macs, Chromebooks, ESXi Servers, and many more - see CI Synchronizer Website)

  • Switch Relationships (Apple Macs, Chromebooks, ESXi Servers, and many more - see CI Synchronizer Website)

  • Virtualisation Relationships (Many - see CI Synchronizer Website)


Please refer to the CI Synchronizer (EE) LS to SN - Default Configuration Overview.pdf for attribute level details.

Record Sets, Related Lists

As per Professional, plus the inclusions below:

  • Enterprise Edition only Record Sets

    • Digital Certificates 4 10

    • Application Service Mappings 5

  • Enterprise Edition only Related Lists

    • Windows PCs (Services, Processes, Scheduled Tasks, Installed Software, Patches/Hot Fixes) 5 10

    • Windows Servers (Services, Processes, Scheduled Tasks, Installed Software, Patches/Hot Fixes) 5 10

    • Linux Server (Processes, Installed Software) 5 10

    • Mobile Devices (Installed Software 8)

  • Enterprise Edition only Relationships

    • Digital Certificates (to Windows Server and Windows PC)

Lansweeper OT Connector

Record Sets, Related Lists

  • OT Devices

  • PLC


  • OT PLCs connected to IP Switch 10

  • OT PLCs connected to IP Router

  • PLC Owns Module

  • OT PLC Correlation IDs

Lansweeper Cloud Connector (Augmentation Sync Only) 
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • Hardware End-of-Life (EOL) 10

  • Hardware End-of-Service (EOS) 10

  • OS End-of-Life (EOL) 10

  • OS End-of-Service (EOS) 10

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

As per Professional, plus the inclusions below:

  • Enterprise Edition only Record Sets

    • NA

  • Enterprise Edition only Related Lists

    • Common Exposures and Vulnerabilities 10

SCCM Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • Computer Systems

    • Windows PCs (Disk Partitions, Logical Disk, Network Adapters, Patches, Physical Disk)

    • Windows Servers (Disk Partitions, Logical Disk, Network Adapters, Patches, Physical Disk)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

As per Professional, plus the inclusions below:

  • Enterprise Edition only Record Sets

    • N/A

  • Enterprise Edition only Related Lists

    • Windows PCs (Software, Software Usage)

    • Windows Severs (Software, Software Usage)

Azure Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • Compute

    • Disks

    • Images

    • Snapshots

    • Virtual Machine Scale Set (Tags)

    • Virtual Machines (Tags, Network Interfaces)

  • Containers

    • Kubernetes Services (Tags)

    • Resource Groups (Tags)

    • Subscriptions (Tags)

  • Databases

    • CosmosDb for MongoDB (Tags)

    • DevOps

    • API Management Services (Tags)

  • Networking

    • Frontdoors (Tags, Frontends)

    • Load Balances (Tags)

    • Load Balances (Tags)

    • NAT Gateways (Tags)

    • Network Security Group (Tags)

    • Private End Points (Tags)

    • Public IP Address (Tags)

    • Virtual Networks (Tags, Subnets)

  • Security

    • Application Gateways (Tags, Backend IP Addresses, Routing Rules)

    • Key Vaults (Tags)

  • Storage

    • Storage Accounts (Tags, Storage Account End Points)

  • Web

    • App Service (Tags)

    • App Service Plan (Tags)

  • Relationships

    • Compute Relationships (many – see Azure connector page)

    • Network Relationships (many – see Azure connector page)

    • Resource Group Relationships (many – see Azure connector page)

    • Security Relationships (Application Gateway Owns Backend IP Address, Routing Rule Hosted on Application Gateway)

    • Subscription Relationships (Resource Group Contained by Subscription)

    • Web Relationships (App Service Hosted on App Service Plan)

Intune Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • Managed Resources (Corporate)

    • Apple Macs

    • Windows PCs

    • iPhone/iPad

    • Android

  • Managed Resources (BYOD)

    • Apple Macs

    • Windows PCs

    • iPhone/iPad

    • Android

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

As per Professional, plus the inclusions below:

  • Enterprise Edition only Record Sets

    • N/A

  • Enterprise Edition only Related Lists

    • Apple Macs (Detected Apps (Software Packages), Software Installs)

    • Windows PCs (Detected Apps (Software Packages), Software Installs)

    • iPhone/iPad (Detected Apps (Software Packages), Software Installs)

    • Android (Detected Apps (Software Packages), Software Installs)

Nutanix Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • Nutanix Prism Central

    • Clusters

    • Hosts

    • Images

    • Virtual Machines


  • Virtualisation Relationships (Host Member of Cluster, Virtual Machine Hosted on Cluster, Virtual Machine Instantiates Computer, Virtual Machine Registered on Host)

VMware Connector
Source Connector inclusions (Record Sets, Related Lists, Relationships)

Record Sets, Related Lists, Attributes

  • VMware

    • ESX Servers (Virtual Machine Instance)

    • vCenter Instances (Clusters, Datacenters, Datastores, Resource Pools, Virtual Machine Templates, vCenter Networks)


  1. Currency is based up on the hosting location of the CI Synchronizer instance provisioned for the customer. USD is the default for locations which do not align to one of the stated currencies.

  2. Currency follows the currency of the Unit Price.

  3. See Customer Specific Overrides table directly below.

  4. Targeted set of Digital Certificates (based on rules defined and agreed with the customer).

  5. Targeted set of Windows Services, Windows Processes, Scheduled Task and Linux Processes. Up to a maximum of ten (10) named records (per record set) can be provided by the customer.

  6. By default, CI Synchronizer creates Digital Certificates in a custom table within ServiceNow. Syncfish can amend this behaviour upon discuss/agreement with the customer.

  7. Application Service Mapping is dependent on the customer creating application service records in ServiceNow and setting the service number in a known/agreed attribute in the Source System (e.g. in Lanswevia a custom field against the relevant asset record, or in a Registry Key on a Windows Device (which is then captured via the discovery application) or via a Tag on a Cloud Resource).

  8. Installed Software for Mobile Devices requires the customer to enable InTune and/or AirWatch scanning within Lansweeper.

  9. Feature is roadmap, under development or at minimum viable product (MVP)

  10. The destination table for the records and/or attributes requires consultation and agreement between Syncfish and the customer.

Customer Specific overrides included in the CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition) One-Time Commissioning Fee

Additional Details


Include a source system value that represents the “Last Logged On User” (or similar) of the asset.

  • Include a source system value that represents “Last Logged On User” (or similar) of the asset so it can be transformed and mapped to the Assigned_To attribute (or other similar attribute) on a CMDB CI record as a foreign key reference to the master user table.


Include a source system value that represents the “Most Frequently Logged on User” (or similar) of the asset.

  • Include a source system value that represents “Most Frequently Logged On User” (or similar) of the asset so it can be transformed and mapped to the Most_Frequent_User attribute (or other similar attribute) on a CMDB CI record as a foreign key reference to the master user table.


Include a source system value that represents the “Business Owner” (or similar) of the asset.

  • Include a source system value that represents the “Business Owner” (or similar) of the asset so it can be transformed and mapped to the Owned_By attribute (or other similar attribute) on a CMDB CI record as a foreign key reference to the master user table.


Modify the default behaviour of the mapping/transforming of an asset “Location” value.

  • Modify the logic that determines an asset “Location” from the source system and how the value transformed and mapped into the Location attribute (or other similar attribute) on a CMDB CI record as a foreign key reference to the master Location table.


Modify (add/change/remove) the default mapping of source system record types to destination system record types.

For example:

  • For Server assets: Change the destination CMDB CI table to use a generic table/class (e.g. cmdb_ci_computer) instead of using an OS specialised class such as cmdb_ci_win_server or cmdb_ci_unix_server or cmdb_ci_linux_server etc.

  • For SQL database records: Change the destination table where SQL database records are persisted.

  • For Linux assets: Split Linux Severs and Desktops and persist to individual destination CI Classes.

  • Hardware Model records: Change the destination table where Hardware Model records are persisted.


Modify (add/change/remove) the default mapping of source system fields/attributes to destination system fields/attributes.

  • Self-explanatory.


Include source system custom fields in the mapping/transform rules.

  • Introduce new rules to read custom fields from the source system and transform/map into agreed fields/attributes on a CMDB CI record within the destination system.


Modify the default rules that determine whether a server asset is physical or virtual.

  • Modify the rules to determine physical vs virtual when the source system discovery/API technology does explicitly identify physical vs virtual server assets.

  • Modify the rules to determine physical vs virtual using manufacturer and/or model attributes/values.


Modify the default rules that set the Category and Sub-Category attributes in the destination system.

  • Modify the values persisted for the following attributes on a record set-by-record set basis (e.g. modify values persisted for Apple Mac vs Windows PCs vs Printers vs Routers, etc etc etc)

    • The Category value (persisted against the CMDB CI record)

    • The Sub-Category value (persisted against the CMDB CI record)


Modify the default rules (value maps) that set various Status values in the destination system.

  • Modify the rules (value maps) that determine how a source system Status values is transformed and mapped into one/more destination system Status values.

  • The following value maps can be overridden:

    • Hardware Status

    • Hardware Sub-Status

    • Install Status

    • Operational Status


Modify the default behaviour to suppress updates to the Status value in the destination system under certain circumstances.

  • Modify the rules to suppress updating one/more of the Status values if the destination record Status value has been updated more recently than the source system value.

    For example:

    • The Install Status (in the destination system) is manually set to “In Stock” when a laptop/desktop is returned to “stock/store/spares”. The CI Synchronizer rules can be modified to only update the Install Status back to “installed” if the “Last Updated” date/time in the source system is later than the “Last Updated” date/time in the destination system.


Modify the default rules that set a prefix on the Discovery Source value when persisted into the destination system.

For example:

  • Entirely change the Discovery Source value from the standard used by CI Synchronizer.

  • Dynamically include a prefix value in the Discovery Source value based on attributes of the source system records (e.g. if the source system discovery technology is being used in a MSP/multi-customer scenario the Discovery Source could be prefixed with a customer identify/reference so the MSP understands which customer the CIs relate to in the CMDB).


Modify the default rules that set a prefix on the source system Correlation ID value when persisted into the destination system.

For example:

  • Dynamically include a prefix value in the Correlation ID value based on attributes of the source system records (e.g. if the source system discovery technology is being used in a MSP/multi-customer scenario the Correlation ID could be prefixed with a customer identify/reference so the MSP understands which customer the CIs relate to in the CMDB).


Create customer specific rules to transform and map source system Tags or custom fields into relevant attributes in the destination system.

For example:

  • Transform/map Azure Tag values (that store business information about Azure resources) into CMDB fields/attributes such as Environment, Owner, Cost Center, and so on.

  • Transform/map Custom Fields in solutions such as Lansweeper to achieve the same outcome as above.


Create customer specific rules to dynamically generate Application Service relationships with the underpinning infrastructure CIs in the destination system.

  • Create customer specific rules to automatically set the Service ID of an Application Service against the “entry point” CI in the CMDB and create the corresponding relationship between the “entry point” CI and the Application Service.

    For example:

    • Use a Service ID value stored in an Azure Tag (or similar)

    • Use a Service ID value stored in a source system Custom Field (or similar)


Modify the default behaviour of CI Synchronizer to cater for the ServiceNow Field Normalisation Plug-In.

  • If a customer has enabled the ServiceNow Field Normalisation Plug-In the default behaviour will be impacted as CI Synchronizer attempts to match reference data such as Manufacturers, Models (and other reference/master data).

  • The CI Synchronizer default rules can be amended to match against the ServiceNow normalisation/alias tables rather than the native reference table.

Frequently Asked Questions

CI Synchronizer (Professional Edition) provides a comprehensive solution for CMDB automation with out-of-the-box support for a large range of asset/record types and CI-to-CI relationships, a range of source and destination connectors, and rapid deployment.

CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition) offers everything in Professional Edition along with advanced customisation options, several additional features such as Application Service Mapping, Digital Certificate syncing, additional related lists and and support for larger and more complex data synchronisation requirements. Enterprise Edition also allows for bespoke configuration of CMDB data rules and support for additional Azure regions.

Many! Check out each source connector page for details of the supported assets and other records.

Yes. CI Synchronizer can detect which source records have changed since the previous synchronisation job and only sync the newly changed source data.

Throughput is affected by factors outside of the control of CI Synchronizer, however we see a typical throughput of between 200,000 and 400,000 records per hour (and even higher rates are possible).

Yes. CI Synchronizer has a highly customisable rules engine. Such changes are made by Syncfish.

Yes. Please use the “Organise a Demo” button or visit the Contact Us page to book a time to meet with one of the Syncfish team.

No. Each customer is provisioned with a dedicated CI Synchronizer instance.

Ultimately the customer decides, however Syncfish recommends hosting each customer instance physically close to the location of their ServiceNow instance (for best performance). It can be hosted in most/all Azure Regions globally (it is still hosted/managed/maintained by Syncfish, but the customer decides which geography it is physically located in).

No. The source asset data (read from the relevant source system by one of the CI Synchronizer connectors) is transited through your dedicated CI Synchronizer instance then deleted after it’s been processed into ServiceNow.

    Find out more

    Talk with us to find discover CI Synchronizer, the available connectors and the services we offer to help you achieve CMDB excellence.

    Book a Demo

    Schedule a demo. See up close how CI Synchronizer works and how quickly you can start syncronising your IT Asset data into your CMDB.

    Request a Trial

    Syncfish offers customers the chance to trial CI Synchronizer. Contact Sales or book a demo to find out how to get setup with a trial.